After school clubs are going strong

Following on from the successful taster events at Willowbrook Primary and Ysgol Gynradd Coed Glas Primary School, we are delighted that these schools have hosted after school clubs! 

Willowbrook Primary has a regular group of eager children hitting, catching, and running around bases of a mid-week afternoon. There are some superstars in the making in this group, but more importantly, they are having a fun time playing the game while increasing their skills. 

After the session ends, there is more baseball to be played around the at St Mellon’s Hub Community Hall – with a strong group of players regular coming out to hit the ball!

The future is looking bright for this sport in the east of Cardiff! 






Ysgol Gynradd Coed Glas Primary School are not to be snoozed on, with some very talented players in their group. This group of eager players is already starting to pitch to each other. Look out, Major Leagues, Wales is on its way! 



Howells School

Of course, the experienced group in Cardiff is coming from Howell’s school, who have had a lunchtime club for a few years now, and are looking for competition – which they’ll soon get – as soon as a fixture can be arranged!

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